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Setting fraction of shock formation and stripping of long panels and linings of high-strength aluminum alloy aircraft Be-200, IL-476 for JSC "IAZ", Irkutsk. |
Electron beam welding machine ELU-08KP-IRZ designed to seal the vacuum enclosure devices spacecraft. Designed and manufactured for the company "IRZ-Communication". |
NIAT put on the Aircraft Manufacturing Plant "Aviastar-SP", Ulyanovsk, a specialized press the correct SPP-250K for forming wing panels up to 24 m. |
Prototype sheathing panels (sheet-stringer) by laser welding. |
Development of normative technical documentation, ensuring the introduction of laser cutting on the "Rostvertol" JSC, "KNAPO them. Chkalov" and JSC "Aviastar-SP". |
Development and manufacturing of unique seamless air intake with non-autoclave technology for the modern Russian civil aviation engines.
Development and production of prototype space-reinforced fan blades made of polymer composite materials.
Prototype development and manufacture of a pilot batch of the opening reinforcing belt bearing the airframe of the aircraft.
Design and manufacture of radome sandwich structure for aircraft and ground equipment.
National Institute of Aviation Technologies (NIAT) is a successor of the Central Institute of Labour that was established on September 16, 1920. This organization was first in the world that studied labour in order to improve its productivity.

The main task of CIL was research in working practices and technology, industrial engineering, rationalization of production and staff training for all important branches of industry. Even at that time CIL included a design department for designing manufacturing equipment that was produced at the plants under the institute. In 1930s the institute activity was focused on the aviation industry. Several times it changed its name and on April 28, 1944 got its new name, which proudly has been bearing up to now.
NIAT has developed and supports about 1200 technologies.
NIAT has participated in the process planning and serialization of IL-86, IL-96, TU-204, TU-334, SSJ-100, MS-21, BE-200.
The first NC machine-tool and the first flexible manufacturing system (FMS) in the country were developed by NIAT.
One of the key customers of the institute is the Russian Federation; at present NIAT carries out a series of important government contracts.
NIAT cooperates with such research centers as TsAGI, VIAM, ONPP “Technologia”, CIAM, MGU, Bauman MGTU, MAI, MGTU ‘Stankin”, etc..
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